1486 Medina Rd #215, Medina, OH 44256
(330) 451-6650


About Us

Who BKO Distillery Is … And What BKO Distillery Does

Let us introduce ourselves

BKO Distillery, which gets its name from a combination of the founders’ initials, was founded in 2018 by Brad Kochmit & Ken Obloy. They are two local entrepreneurs with a passion for taking things above and beyond. They are two individuals who live by the philosophy that you don’t need to “invent the wheel”, you just need to “re-invent the wheel”. After years of planning and nearly 14 months of hurdles after securing our location, the distillery finally opened its doors to the public on February 22nd, 2020. We launched our first brand, Voudoux Vodka, to rave reviews. Shortly after, the pandemic hit and BKO started additionally producing spray sanitizer to help combat Covid-19. The distillery provided over 14,000+ free bottles of sanitizer to the public between March 2020 and May 2020. With the shift back to focusing on spirits, BKO has grown substantially due to the demand for Voudoux Vodka. In August of 2021, we added over 7000 sq ft to the original 1000 sq ft facility to not only keep up with demand of Voudoux Vodka, but to start production of our other brands as well. Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Moonshine, and maybe even some other things that don’t quite fit into any of those categories will be coming soon.

The future looks bright and BKO Distillery’s ONLY goal is to produce the absolute highest quality, hand crafted, ultra premium spirits, possible and create those spirits right here in our hometown … all while pricing our products as affordably as we possibly can to the public. No gimmicks. No tricks. Our products are made entirely by hand in our facility from start to finish. From fermentation all the way to bottling and shipping, we are extremely proud of what we do and what we create. We would love to show you who we are and what we do. If you are in the area, feel free to stop by our tasting room and try a sample for yourself and take a tour of our distillery in beautiful Medina Ohio.

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Our Brands

Voudoux Vodka

“It’s Magic”

Voudoux Vodka is an authentically handmade, batch distilled, ultra premium vodka produced at our distillery in Medina, Ohio. Our goal was to create the world’s smoothest vodka and price it as competitively as we can with the “big boys”. No additives, No gimmicks, No excuses, No bulls#!t. We invite and encourage you to take the “Voudoux Challenge” and try Voudoux Vodka against ANY OTHER BRAND OF VODKA out there on the market regardless of the price. We think you’ll agree that you just found your new favorite vodka.

Ironic isn’t it?. Our company founders absolutely hated vodka. Actually, “despised” might be a better word. They thought all vodka tasted like nail polish remover, paint thinner, and gasoline. They became obsessed with why this is the case, and dedicated years of research and development to producing a vodka that they could drink straight up at room temperature with no mixer.

Yes really. We know you see this a lot out there, but Voudoux Vodka is actually and totally 100% made by hand at our distillery in beautiful Medina Ohio. From fermentation, to distillation, to filtration, all the way to bottling and shipping, we literally do everything by hand and we take great pride in actually doing it this way.

Voudoux Vodka is distilled from the finest 100% pure non-GMO cane sugar we can possibly use because we are firm believers in the “better stuff you put in, the better quality you get out” mentality. By starting with cane sugar instead of grain, we can turn all that sugar into clean ethanol and produce a superior product with minimal flavor carry over. Vodka, after all, should have no flavor.

We ferment at much lower temperatures and for longer periods of time compared to other vodka manufacturers. We also give each batch ample time to settle before distillation. This produces much less undesirable flavors and other nasty forms of alcohol that we don’t want in the finished product and means were not putting anything into the still besides pure clean clear wash.

We distill our vodka in small batches like very high end spirits. We also distill our product over 20 times. This allows us to take out all the nasty stuff that’s usually left in other vodkas. We make very meticulous “cuts” during distillation and only the absolute purest portion of each distillation is kept to eventually become Voudoux. The result is a cleaner tasting, ultra smooth vodka that won’t give you “Vodka Face”.

Voudoux Vodka is slow filtered in multiple stages, using our proprietary process, to produce one of the absolute cleanest and best tasting possible products on the vodka market. Does this take more time? Absolutely. Do we care about that? ABSOLUTELY NOT. The ONLY thing that matters to us is the quality of our product.

Since Voudoux Vodka is distilled from the finest 100% pure non-GMO cane sugar we can possibly use, and there is no grain in the manufacturing process, our product is absolutely and 100% gluten free.

Spoiler Alert: Artificial additives are extremely common in most vodkas. It’s a big secret in spirit production that mass market vodkas – including top-shelf brands – contain additives to ‘optimize’ taste and viscosity. United States vodka laws permit producers to add up to 2.5% by volume of any additive that’s generally deemed safe. Vodka makers include them as a way to formulate greater ‘mouthfeel’ and ‘smoothness.’ If that sounds shady to you, we agree. Fact is, it’s a lot easier and a lot cheaper to manufacture vodka with ‘taste-enhancer’ additives and sweeteners. Without these chemical additives, they don’t think their vodka would be as palatable (or popular). And since the U.S. government doesn’t require vodka brands to disclose additives on labelling, they have no incentive to change what they’re doing. VOUDOUX VODKA HAS ABSOLUTELY ZERO ADDITIVES. It’s just ridiculously clean ethanol and purified water. The way it SHOULD be!

Specialty Wax Dip Schedule

Although we love our traditional black wax seal, we have specialty wax dips available for special occasions at the distillery only. Here is a list of all upcoming specialty bottles.

Tours ’N Tastings

Distillery Tours & Tastings

BKO Distillery – “The Home Of Voudoux Vodka”

We cordially invite you to come on down, try Voudoux Vodka for yourself in our tasting room, and take a guided tour of our production facility. We think you’ll agree that what we are creating here is miles beyond what you’re traditionally used to. We also have the same credentials as a state liquor store, so feel free to pick up a bottle (or four) while you’re here.


BKO Distillery tours are $10.00 per person. To book your tour, just call (330) 451-6650 and reserve your time slot. Tours generally take about an hour and we will give you an in-depth, behind the scenes, guided look inside the BKO Distillery production facility and every aspect of the Voudoux Vodka production process from start to finish. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!


Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 11:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday: 11:00am – 6:00pm
Friday: 11:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am – 8:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Contact us

Our Location

Feel free to stop by and visit us at our location in Medina OH.

  • BKO Distillery
    (330) 451-6650

    1486 Medina Rd, STE 215,
    Medina, OH 44256

Send Us A Message

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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